Mayday.Earth is a nonprofit organization made up of landscape architects, scientists, activists, and people from all walks of life dedicated to answering the distress call from our planet.



  1. Educate on the importance of Solar Geoengineering and the need for its research.

  2. Support the voice of the Global South so it can be part of the debate on Solar Geoengineering (specifically known as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI)).


SAI addresses the global spiraling of heat, the cause of most climate change impacts. It is the only viable method at this point that can cool the Earth and can buy us time to transfer to renewable energy sources.


We wish to educate non-scientists, educators, students of all ages, and civil society about climate change, through online discussions and debates, lectures, readings including a research library, and to teach why we will need Solar Geoengineering, specifically Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) to cool the Earth. This idea, coming from science, must be researched to better understand its risks and benefits, as unchecked global warming will likely cause catastrophic impacts around the world. Research on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection must be supported now, given that the likelihood of deployment of SAI is no longer a matter of “if but when” in order to preserve our future.


Regardless of educational background, resource and geographic locations, we wish to educate people everywhere, while focusing on the citizens of the Global South, as the development of SAI and the debate as to whether or not to even research it, as it is solely being discussed and debated in the Global North. The Global South are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and are now experiencing fierce impacts of climate change. Global South countries were not causal of climate change. However, The Global North countries caused climate change but live in cooler regions and are able to withstand impacts because of their wealth. This issue of Climate Inequity is the largest issue of Inequity in the world. Given that the Global South is more vulnerable to climate change than the Global North, they deserve to have a role in the discussion as to whether or not SAI should be researched as they could stand to benefit the most from its implementation.

We want to aggregate and connect people from around the world who wish to be educated on Solar Geoengineering and who wish to express their support of its research. We wish to connect to other individuals and organizations who support this mission through Online Discussions and Debates, Lectures, Readings and Research Library, Curation and Vetting of Content, a clearing-house for the collection and organization of existing and new content on climate change and Geoengineering, so it can be understood by non-scientists and teachers who wish to teach others about climate change.


While we believe that the implementation of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) will be highly likely, research is necessary before any deployment. Education is the key for people to make informed decisions about geotechnologies, such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) in the future.